'Liv, Frog Hollow, 2017' by Steve Lease | 'Cracked' by Matthew Wierzbowski | 'Mates For Life' by Sue Connor | 'Hestia's spark' by Motgan Conolly | 'Preservation Case Study #4' by Sasha Escareño-Rosic | 'Favola Camping 11' by Alessandra Baldoni | 'Parrot Woman' Ingeborg Portales | 'By the Window' by Pablo Fanque's Fair | 'Obedience' by Annemarie Jung | 'Ethereal Essence No3' by Maureen Haldeman | 'White in Flight' by Jacqueline Burke, VMD | 'Yosemite Fall' by Chenyang Zhou | 'Lifting Fog, Bandon Beach' by William Stekelberg | 'House On The Hill' by Peter Muka | 'Hold back the night' by Eddy Verloes | 'I Dreamt He Could Make It Rain' by Donna Dangott | 'Whispers' by Martin Miklas | | 'Draped on a rock ledge' by Richard Luxton | 'White Robe' by Steve Clarke | 'Parish Hall' by Jon Woodhams | | 'Interior Cement Silo' by Allyson Ely | The Herons Flight' by Robert David Atkinson | | 'I could've been given chocolate and flowers' by Vernell Dunams |
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