'A cloud of eiderdown draws around me softening the sound' by Pablo Fanque's Fair | 'Chaos' by Chelsea Malia Brown | 'Untitled' by Angelica Petryshyn | 'Sun Touch' by Veronika Trubnikova | 'Switchgrass #4' by Brad Hamilton | 'Mountain Reflections' by Kate Snow | 'Vincent at the Start of Summer' by Rachel Fleischman | 'Cloud Island' by Kristopher Schoenleber | 'Dwight (Toronto, October 2023)' by Attila Hasanov Mehmedov Ataner | Three Fun Guys' by David Manzi | 'Transformation of Reality' by Anastasiia Vodchenko | 'Distance' by Aghigh Afkhami | 'Curves and Canyon Detail' by Alan Shero | 'Emergence' by Eric Peffer | 'Tide Pools, Oregon' by David Rathbone | 'Morning Reflection Waterfowl Lakes, Banff' by Greg Spirakis | 'Drawn By Nature' by John A. Foltz | 'Lonely House' by Hali J. Sowle | 'Porto Venere' by James Michael Knauf | 'The Hidden Gem' by Diana Vargas | 'Alone With the Light' by Bernice Williams | 'Woman in striped dress' by Christer Björkman | 'Wroclaw, Poland: The Commuters (2022 AP)' by Jim Spizzo | 'Out of the Fog' by László Vidók | 'Scene of the Crime' by Karen J. Wright | 'Bernie's Cat' by Valentino Constantinou |
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