'The Sitters' by Jacey Coca | 'Faded' by Becky Cornwell | 'Untitled' by Anne Kornfeld | 'Renaissance' by Jane Schwartz | 'Stillness in Chaos' by Sharon Covert | 'INHUMAN' by Maria Cristina Anelli | 'Restlessness' by Tori Piscitelli | 'Red Cross' by Sylvie Bendel | 'Crochet Cage Mask' by Heather Brown | 'Graft and Vaccine' by Chiara Capraro | 'The Moment Before' by Makenzie Hillegass | 'Self Portrait After a Panic Attack' by Manda Quevedo | 'Letting Go' by Rocio Martinez | 'Unspoken' by Allison Calteux | 'Self Importrait II' by Jacob Mather | 'Self Importrait I' by Jacob Mather | 'Thought patterns' by Tapio Antere | 'Untitled' by Kaori Kinoshita | 'Defense' by Roman Martynenko | 'The Rise And The Fallen' by Sidney Sherman | | 'Send In The Clowns' by Kaden Bard Dawson | 'Abisso le Metamorfosi' by Ljdia Musso | 'Tears In The Fabric Of Illusion' by Bruce Flye | 'Caesarea Dunes' by Tomer Haruvi | 'Fade Away' by Tomer Haruvi | 'In This Place' by Yvonne Palkowitsh |
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