'Bible Press' by Jeff Puckett | 'Tethered to the Stage' by Sabrina Simurdak | 'Festa della Madonna, Roma 1977' by Stephan Brigidi | 'Tree, Jeju, 2017' by Kevin Baylon | 'Untitled, Pt. Reyes, CA' by Kris Payne | 'Walden Pond, Concord, MA' by Roberto (Bear) Guerra | 'Evening Encounter - Esna, Egypt' by George Salter | 'Appalacia Trail Smoky Mtns' by Richard Baumer | 'Away Way' by Charles Chao Wang | 'Lotus Fractal' by Bette J Kauffman | 'Under the Sun' by Erin Mahoney | 'Mountain Peaks' by Kate Snow |
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