'Opulent Opercula' by Matthew Macoy | 'Tosena Splendida' by Dusty Cooper | 'DELICATESSE 12 ( DELICACY 12 )' by Sophie Le Gendre | 'Le Grand Bleu' by Katharine Kollman | 'Dreamy' by Ludmila Popova | 'Enlightened' by Galin Vasilev | 'Dream in Blue' by Claudia Behrensen | 'Rome, Oregon' by Kevin Clark | 'Surrender' by Niki Helley Ward | 'Fortresses' by Samuel Feron | 'Last of the Daydreams' by Stefano Gliozzi | 'Bouquet' by Claire Tomkiw | 'Duck Swimming in Fog' by Eric Rennie | 'Winter Path' by Mary C Legg | 'Untitled' by Matej Machacek | 'Solitude in the Sands, The Majestic Soaptree Yucca in White Sands' by Matt Dusig | 'Nevada Lithium | June 2019' by Laurel Anderson | 'Mysterious World' by Vít Mádr | 'Contents, Toys' by Francois Robert | 'Blueberries' by Jane Robert | 'Achenes' by Mary Andrade | 'Erin's View' by Sarah Endricks | 'Estranged' by Tailai OBrien | 'Camouflage' by Ionut Cirja | 'Imaginations' by Anna Matysiak | 'Winter Silo' by Paul Newton |
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